Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 31


SRP Events

Events and Webinars later in 2023
Did we mention it was our 60th Anniversary ?! This was celebrated at our Annual Conference in Aberdeen in April and it was definitely our biggest annual gathering to date . Over 350 people attended and we had the highest number of exhibitors ever . With Scottish dancing , a walking tour of Aberdeen city centre , a visit to a local brewery and of course a full technical programme and exhibition , it was certainly a very busy event , with something for everyone . We ' ve even had feedback from an SRP member who hadn ' t been to an Annual Conference in 10 years saying they ' ll now attend all future ones . We can confidently say it was a big success .
Elsewhere in this year ' s events calendar we have held two in Birmingham : the ' IRR17 Consents Workshop : New System ' in February and the three-day ' Putting Together your First Portfolio for RPA 2000 ' in June . Two Ionising Radiation Metrology Forums have also been held . Members can view the presentations from these events through SRP ' s website . Searching for past events and webinars has become a lot easier now they are categorised by year , so please take a look .
Our Next Annual Conference Eastbourne 14 – 16 May 2024
Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023
South West Conference 20 - 21 September , Somerset
Radon Gas : Risks , Regulations & Remediation 28 September , Free Webinar
Radiation ( Emergency Preparedness and Public Information ) Regulations Workshop 2 November , Leeds
RGG Event – Challenges in Your Early RP Career 15 November , Birmingham
Scottish Event and Non-Nuclear Industries Committee Event 12 - 13 December , Glasgow
We ' d like to say a big thank you to John Bradshaw . John has been a member of Events Committee since 2005 ; he took over as Secretary in 2015 and became the Chair in 2017 . John has now handed over this role to Pete Bryant . John said “ I ' ve enjoyed my time on Events Committee , especially working with a lot of people who are keen and committed to running meetings and workshops to help develop radiation protection professionals , technicians and allied fields . I would like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to volunteer for an SRP Committee and contribute , as it ' s helped me to develop within my career as well as contributing to the future of radiation protection .”
For further information on any future events , or joining SRP or a Committee , please email admin @ srp-uk . org .