Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 29

Future Direction of SRP

Jim Thurston , SRP ’ s Immediate Past President , oversaw production of the Society ' s Strategic Plan for 2023 / 27 . In this article he gives an overview of the rationale that went into its drafting and where it will take SRP .
SRP published its first five-year Strategic Plan in 2009 , setting out the Society ' s strategy and actions to work towards the objective set by our Royal Charter , granted in 2007 ; namely ‘ to promote the science and art of radiation protection and allied fields for the public benefit ’.
SRP aims to :
• be independent of all political parties
• be the independent voice of the radiation protection profession in the UK
• lead in the advancement of the knowledge and practice of radiation protection , sharing that knowledge with all our stakeholders
• ensure that its members have the appropriate skills in the science , culture and practice of radiation protection , and in communication
Our Priorities for 2023 / 27
• Sustainability of the Society and the radiation protection profession
• Synergy with allied societies and other organisations
• Communication with all our stakeholders
Synergy – A Definition : ( From the Oxford English Dictionary ) The extra energy , power , success , etc . that is achieved by two or more people , companies or elements working together , instead of on their own .
See the Strategic Plan here
Delivery Plan This supports the Strategic Plan and sets out the six Commitments required to achieve the Priorities . Each Commitment is accompanied by a list of specific , measurable , achievable , realistic and timebound ( SMART ) actions , with responsibilities assigned to particular SRP Committees . The action lists will evolve over the five-year period as actions are completed and closed , and others are added .
The six Commitments are to :
• Increase the membership and diversity of the Society
• Increase the number of members with professional registration
• Support members in their professional work
• Work in synergy with our stakeholders
• Provide trusted information to the public on radiation
• Provide an effective outreach programme
Inclusion is at the core of the new Plan - it is essential that all members feel that they are joining SRP on this journey . As the document was being drafted , a survey was sent to all members , asking for their input - to suggest what the Society should focus on , based on their priorities and concerns . The draft was revised to take responses into account , then presented to the membership for discussion and a vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting held in December 2022 .
But our commitment to inclusion won ’ t stop there . The Delivery Plan and associated actions will evolve over the five-year period , with progress reviewed and discussed by members at least annually at the AGM . We aim to ensure that the AGM is accessible to all members and welcome suggestions on how we can achieve this . In this way we will ensure that members feel they are contributing to the Society , that their voices are heard , and that the actions and tasks to implement the Plan continue to reflect the priorities and concerns of all members .
Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 29