Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 23

programme , and includes the newly formed Webinar sub committee , born from the COVID-19 pandemic , which allows us to communicate to a wider spectrum of members and non-members from around the world . We also have the Champions Programme which comprises SRP ’ s points-ofcontact in larger workplaces and the Affiliated Organisation Representative who is the voice on SRP Council of the rapidly growing number of Affiliated Organisations . The Editorial Boards of our academic Journal of Radiological Protection and the Magazine Committee ( which produces Radiation Protection Today ) are also part of the Directorate .
Operations Directorate This Directorate brings together the committees that keep the Society running , in terms of finance , governance issues and review of the Society ’ s strategy and risks . Chairs of these committees meet , together with the Honorary Secretary , Honorary Treasurer and other nominated Trustees , as the Directorate Board to oversee committee activity and discuss priorities and any problems . The Directorate includes committees that report directly to Council , including the Honours and Nominations Advisory Committee .
Volunteering All committees are run by members of the Society who give as much time as they can within the confines of their professional requirements . Volunteers gain many benefits from doing this , for example influencing the direction of the Society and wider aspects of the radiation protection environment , including legislation , good practice and learning . Most find involvement highly rewarding . A ‘ Call for Volunteers ’ is issued at the beginning of each year , but members can volunteer at any time by contacting SRP or discussing with existing committee members .
See here for a diagram of the organisational structure

International Activities of SRP

John Harrison ( top photo ) and Roger Coates OBE ( bottom photo ) give an overview of SRP ’ s involvement with IRPA and recent and planned input to ICRP ’ s review of the system of radiological protection . John is a member of SRP Council , former member of the Main Commission of ICRP and past Chair of ICRP ’ s Committee 2 ( dosimetry ). Roger is a Past President of both IRPA and SRP and an observer on SRP ’ s Committee for Liaison with IRPA and the Partner Societies ( CLIPS ).
The International Radiation Protection Association ( IRPA )
IRPA was formed in 1965 to bring together the worldwide community of radiation protection practitioners . It currently has around 19,000 members drawn from 53 Associate Societies in 68 countries . SRP is the UK Associate Society and SRP ’ s six ‘ Partner Societies ’ nominate IRPA Affiliate members to SRP for the purposes of IRPA membership . We collectively nominate around 2,200 individuals to IRPA , making the UK the second largest constituent of IRPA membership after the USA , with the largest per capita representation .
The Committee for Liaison with the Partner Societies ( CLIPS ) co-ordinates SRP ’ s interaction with IRPA and Partner Societies .
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