Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 22


SRP – Under the Bonnet

Chris Perks , SRP ’ s Director of Science and Technology , explains how the Society is organised and highlights the many activities SRP is involved with .
As SRP has grown and developed , so its structure has evolved and become more professional . Following a governance review in 2017 / 18 , we decided to organise the Society into four Directorates , with directors as ‘ Officers of the Society ’ ( in addition to the President and Past President / President-Elect , depending on the year of rotation ).
Professional Standards Directorate This Directorate oversees the setting and maintenance of the professional standards required for membership and professional recognition and is the interface with the Radiation Protection Council ( RPC ). It comprises four committees . Membership applications are assessed by the Membership Committee , and the Qualifications and Professional Standards Committee oversees the standards for professional registration and membership . The Registration Approval Committee assesses applications for professional registration ( CRadP , IRadP , and TechRadP ) against the RPC standards and audits registrants ' CPD records . The Awards and Sponsorship Committee assists and encourages members in their professional development by awarding sponsorships e . g . for research and innovation , educational resource development , education projects support , ad hoc funding and fee-free places at events .
Science and Technology Directorate This Directorate ’ s activities include both ionising and non-ionising radiation across nuclear and non-nuclear industries , the medical sector and research and teaching . One of its key responsibilities is to monitor and engage in consultations on national and international regulations and standards and their implementation . Members of SRP formally or informally represent the UK ’ s view to a wide range of organisations responsible for setting the future direction and implementation of policies , standards and regulations for radiation including ICRP , IAEA , BSI and ISO . Many of the Directorate ’ s committees are involved in answering queries on radiological protection issues from members of the public .
The Legislation and Standards Committee is the principal committee responsible for liaising with the UK national and devolved governments and international organisations regarding consultations on new legislation and standards . The Medical Committee is concerned principally with occupational exposure in this sector and most of its members are also members of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine . Nonnuclear and nuclear industries are represented by the Non-Nuclear Industries Committee and the Nuclear Industries Committee . The EMF and Optical Radiation Committee covers non-ionising radiation . The Research and Teaching Committee is concerned with radiation exposure in academic institutions including universities and schools . Finally , there is the Source Security and Emergency Preparedness Committee which , amongst other things , has developed and runs SRP ’ s successful source security training course .
Engagement Directorate This Directorate groups SRP committees and networks involved with talking to anyone , be that our own members and those interested in radiation protection ( Communications Committee ), Partner Societies and IRPA ( Committee for Liaison with IRPA and Partner Societies , CLIPS ), early career members ( Rising Generations Group , RGG ) or the general public about the science of radiation protection ( Outreach Committee ). The Events Committee oversees SRP ' s events
22 Radiation Protection Today www . srp-rpt . uk