In this sec on we highlight web resources which a radia on protec on professional may find useful . SRP is not responsible for their upkeep and has not performed a full verifica on , however they are judged to be from reputable sources .
Elements In this issue of Radiation Protection Today we ’ re taking a look at elements . The Royal Society of Chemistry ( RSC ) has available on their website basic information for every element in the Periodic Table . For each element , it displays its atomic mass , density and key isotopes as well as things like melting point and uses . resource can be found here : IYPT promotional pack ( rsc . org ) ( www . rsk . org / iyptelements /). Also available in Chinese , French , German , Hindi , Italian and Spanish .
Your favourites ? Please email RPToday @ srp-uk . org with your suggestions for useful web links for inclusion in future editions .
This is available at the following link Periodic Table – Royal Society of Chemistry ( rsc . org ). ( https :// www . rsc . org / periodic-table /). It is also available as an application to download to your Android or Apple phone .
The RSC has also published a series of ‘ infographics ’ for each element . This could be a useful resource for families with younger children with some fun facts provided . This
Radiation Protection Today Winter 2021 33