Welcome to the second issue of Radiation Protection Today . The Editorial Team has worked hard to build on the success of the Launch Issue , which received overwhelmingly positive feedback . This issue introduces a ' Letters to the Editor ' section and also attempts to answer one of the trickier questions posed under ' Ask SRP '.
With climate change and COP26 very much in the headlines , and the first space tourism flights taking place over the summer , we have chosen to feature articles in this issue around the theme of ' Building the Future '. It is clear that society is embarking on a period of fundamental change , and the radiation protection profession has an important role in helping to deliver this . We have articles on the role of Small Modular Reactors in the future energy mix ; the potential use of nuclear power for the co-generation of heat , direct capture of CO
2 from the atmosphere , and manufacture of net-zero hydrocarbons ; and the latest in developments to generate energy from nuclear fusion on a commercial scale . We also have an article on applying the principles of sustainability in the nuclear sector . And with plans to start building a base camp on the moon in 2025 and send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s , we have an article discussing the radiation protection issues associated with space flight . At the individual level , we have an inspiring article for those who may be considering a future career in radiation protection , as well as information on SRP ' s mentoring scheme .
We can all do our bit to combat climate change . If you are reading this magazine in hard copy , why not pass it on to someone else when you have finished with it , instead of putting it in the recycling ? And why not share your knowledge , thoughts or questions with the radiation protection community in a future issue ? We are always on the lookout for content which is stimulating , informative and topical . If you would like to contribute an article , propose topics , make suggestions or otherwise get involved , please email RPToday @ srp-uk . org .
Trevor Jones MSRP - Editor
© The Society for Radiological Protection ( SRP ) December 2021 Publisher : The Society for Radiological Protection
Editorial Team : Editor : Trevor Jones Deputy Editor : Steph Bloomer Team Members : Oliver Caunt , Jennifer Humphries , Sheila Liddle , Maureen McQueen , Chris Perks , Neil Seymour , Gary Teague , Sam Watson , Helen Whitehead
Production : Harris Associates
Design : TQ Print & Design
Contact us : Editorial : RPToday @ srp-uk . org Advertising : sara . harrington @ srp-uk . org
Views expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers . No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the publishers .
4 Letters to the Editor 6 Doing Safety Sustainably 9 Manned Space Travel : Addressing the
Radiation Issues 14 Ask SRP 14 The RGG Mentor Scheme 15 Building My Nuclear Future : Making the journey from Health Physics Monitor to Radiation Protection Adviser
16 Words from the Wise : Uranium Ore from
Scotland 19 The State of Play with Fusion Energy 22 Proposals for a Low Carbon Energy Hub at
Sizewell C 24 Radiation Protection Around the World :
Hong Kong 25 In the Hot Seat : Claire-Louise Chapple 27 The Future is Small and Modular 28 Lessons from History : The Importance of full involvement when issuing a Permit to Work 30 Specialist Spotlight : Radon 32 Latest from Legs and Regs 33 Radiation Clicks : web resources 34 Recent SRP Events : 2021 35 Back to Basics pullout 37 Backscatter 38 The SRP Puzzle
The Society for Radiological Protection is the UK ' s only professional society covering the entire field of radiation protection . Its objective is to promote the science and art of radiation protection and allied fields for the public benefit . Founded in 1963 , it was awarded a Royal Charter in 2007 and is the UK Associate Society affiliated to the International Radiation Protection Association .
www . srp-uk . org Registered Charity in England & Wales No . 1122804
Recyclable paper sourced from responsibly managed forests and printed using vegetable-based inks . This issue is also available digitally at www . srp-rpt . uk
Cover photograph : David Mark from Pixabay Cover design : @ ollustration