Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 37


So , what will you be doing as a Radiation Protection Professional in 2063 when we celebrate our 100th anniversary ? Let Mystic Jim predict your future …!
Gemini You will set a new world record for working from home through the use of virtual meetings - completing your fourth year in your RP job without having left your bed .
Cancer You will be working as an RP professional for the first commercial fusion reactor providing electricity to the national grid . It ' s only a part-time job , as there ' s so little to do .
Leo You will be writing the implementation plan for IRR2060 where everyone has to have their DNA genome read to determine their individual dose limit based on their radiation sensitivity .
Capricorn As an RP professional you will simply have your feet up and let the robot do the job for you . Indeed , you will be discussing with the AI system what to tell the robot to do .
Aquarius You will be making use of the latest fabrics that have been developed for clothing for radiation workers that change colour with the dose rate they are exposed to – very handy for the RP professional .
Pisces You will be settling into your new job as Head of Radiation Protection for the staff working on Moonbase Alpha .
Aries You will be comfortably warm this winter as you make use of the Small Modular Reactor that you have just had installed in the basement of your house .
Taurus You are a reviewer for volume 83 of Journal of Radiological Protection ( SRP ’ s scientific journal ) - now only available as an audiobook due to the decline in the use of the written word .
Virgo You ' ll have paid your annual subs by logging into MySRP and having your iris scanned . If you require a receipt you simply blink .
Libra You will be comparing incoming waste against the acceptance criteria for the now operational geological disposal facility in the UK .
Scorpio You will be comfortably wearing your PPE as it is now available specially designed for women and those of a different shape or size .
Sagittarius You register for the 100th anniversary conference , which is to be held via the new 3-D virtual reality headset and your chosen avatar presence , and using the 42nd iteration of the conference app
The suggestions on this page are , of course , very light-hearted and definitely not meant to be taken too seriously . Do you have any predictions for the future of radiation protection ? Light hearted or otherwise ? We would be very interested to hear them . A prize of £ 50 for the best as judged by the Editorial Team . Email us on RPToday @ srp-uk . org
Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 37