Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 34

S e h r o te c


are AOrgs ? y t ie c o
S e h
T r fo
Radiolog ic al

SRP www . srp-uk . org

P r o te c ti o n
Gary Teague is Managing Director of Gemini Technologies and the AOrg Representative on SRP Council
Affiliated Organisations ( AOrgs ) are organisations which choose to be affiliated to SRP because it is the principal independent professional body for radiation protection in the UK .
They include :
• suppliers of radiation protection products and services and / or
• key organisations which support the highest standards of professionalism in radiological protection .
AOrgs provide a vital contribution to the Society , both technically and financially , and in return , benefit from PR and marketing opportunities , including face-to-face customer interaction at SRP events throughout the year .
1963 - 2023
2023 Directory of Affiliated Organisa ons
Suppliers of Radia on Protec on services and products and / or
Key organisa ons suppor ng the highest standards of professionalism in Radia on Protec on
SRP www . srp-uk . org
34 Radiation Protection Today www . srp-rpt . uk ie c
T y t r fo ic al
P ti o n
Benefits include :
• Greatly reduced rates for exhibition stands at SRP ’ s events , recruitment advertising and ads in Radiation Protection Today
• Inclusion in the Annual Directory of AOrgs , plus a direct link to all AOrg websites from the SRP website
• Use of the AOrg logo
• A chance to engage with other AOrgs and potentially collaborate on future projects
A range of new benefits were introduced in 2021 :
Becquerel Benefits ( commercial organisations )
• SRPros – an interview that is circulated to SRP members and distributed via SRP ' s social media channels and website
• Presentation opportunity during the SRP Annual Conference
• One Annual Conference place for a business contact at a discounted rate
Curie Benefits ( non-commercial organisations )
• One free Annual Conference place for a student or young professional
• One free Annual Conference place for a staff member
• CPD-accredited events – one employee may attend at the discounted member rate if they are not an individual member

As Gary says :
Becoming an AOrg was the best move I have ever made for my organisation . It has enabled us to gain credibility , grow our network of associates and gain access to wider markets through IRPA . This has allowed us to grow our customer base and become a key organisation in the Society and the UK radiation protection market .