Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 3

60 Years of SRP
In celebration of SRP ’ s Diamond Jubilee , this issue of Radiation Protection Today looks back at changes in the RP landscape over the last 60 years and the way that The Society for Radiological Protection has evolved .
Initially established as a branch of the US Health Physics Society in 1963 , SRP became a stand-alone organisation in 1965 , with around 50 members . In the early years the focus was largely technical , with SRP organising meetings throughout the UK , annual conferences and a number of international symposia . The Society has always played an important role as a consultee , influencing the development and implementation of policy and regulations on RP matters . It has also been instrumental in the development and maintenance of professional standards , from the award of the first Certificate of Competence in Operational Health Physics in 1979 , to a pivotal role in establishing RPA 2000 to assess the competence of Radiation Protection Advisers , Radioactive Waste Advisers , Laser Protection Advisers and , more recently , Medical Physics Experts . The professional registration Chartered Radiation Protection Professional ( CRadP ) was introduced following the granting of SRP ’ s Royal Charter in 2007 . Two further registrations , Incorporated Radiation Protection Professional ( IRadP ) and Technical Radiation Protection Professional ( TechRadP ) were announced in 2018 . The Society ’ s focus has also broadened , with greater emphasis on support to those early in their careers including the establishment of the Rising Generations Group and mentoring scheme , as well as outreach activities involving schools and the wider community .
Through its new five-year Strategic Plan , SRP aims to ensure it continues to meet the needs of its nearly 1,700 members and 77 Affiliated Organisations ( AOrgs ) and fulfils its Mission Statement “ to promote the science and art of radiation protection and allied fields for the public benefit ”.
© The Society for Radiological Protection ( SRP ) Summer 2023 Publisher : The Society for Radiological Protection
Editorial Team : Editor : Trevor Jones Deputy Editor : Maureen McQueen Team Members : Steph Bloomer , Oliver Caunt , Jennifer Humphries , Sarah Hunak , Sheila Liddle , Chris Perks , Neil Seymour , Gary Teague , Sam Watson , Helen Whitehead
Production : Harris Associates
Design : TQ Print & Design
Contact us : Editorial : RPToday @ srp-uk . org Advertising : sara . harrington @ srp-uk . org
Views expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers . No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the publishers .
4 Letters to the Editor 5 Changes in the Application of Radiation and Radioactive Materials in the Last 60 Years
8 Changes in UK Occupational Exposures through the Years
11 Changes in Regulations and Standards over the Last 60 Years 14 In the Hot Seat : Jennifer Humphries 16 A Worldwide Presence : Journal of Radiological Protection – Past , Present and Future
18 Words from the Wise : Considering changes in the last 60 years 20 Changes in SRP Membership Profile 21 Sustainability – can nuclear and fusion energy rise to the challenge ? 22 SRP – Under the Bonnet 23 International Activities of SRP 27 Unleashing the Power of Future Technology in Radiological Protection 29 Future Direction of SRP 30 Ask SRP 31 SRP Events 34 What are AOrgs ? 36 Back to Basics pullout 37 Backscatter 38 The SRP Puzzle
The Society for Radiological Protection is the UK ' s only professional society covering the entire field of radiation protection . Its objective is to promote the science and art of radiation protection and allied fields for the public benefit . Founded in 1963 , it was awarded a Royal Charter in 2007 and is the UK Associate Society affiliated to the International Radiation Protection Association .
www . srp-uk . org Registered Charity in England & Wales No . 1122804
Printed on recyclable paper sourced from responsibly managed forests using vegetable-based inks . This issue is also available digitally at www . srp-rpt . uk
Trevor Jones - Editor
1963 - 2023
Cover photograph : Jennifer Humphries Cover design : ollustration