Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023 | Page 17

loss , with the cost of providing free copies to SRP members not fully offset by advertising revenue . A change in the basis of operations was needed and a contract was agreed with IOP Publishing ( IOPP ) that ensured that profits made on the journal would be shared equally between SRP and IOPP . Although the contractual arrangements have been amended subsequently , that agreement continues and provides a substantial surplus to SRP that feeds into the wider activities of the Society . To mark the change in how the journal was run , from the beginning of 1988 , the title became Journal of Radiological Protection ( JRP ).
Following a 5-year term of office , Monty handed over the editorship to Geoff Meggitt ( 1992-97 ) who consolidated the position of the journal as a place to publish significant papers on a wide range of topics pertaining to radiological protection . Since then , the reputation of the journal has benefitted from stability of editorial leadership and by the breadth of interest and enthusiasm of members of the Editorial Board , many of whom have seen more than one 5-year term of office come and go .
Each month the JRP Editor draws SRP members ’ attention to articles of particular interest . Look out for his recommendations in the Weekly e-newsletter .
Radiation Protection Today Summer 2023
Today , we have entered a new era of electronic-only publication , Open Access options for authors , lengthy and highly technical papers , and remarkably , AI tools to help you write those papers ( but not to be authors in their own right !). It seems likely that further changes in publishing will take place at an increasing pace . However , we believe that we are well placed to respond to such changes , being recognised as a leading journal in the field that receives high quality accounts of advances in radiological protection from throughout the world .
SRP members can continue to look forward to hearing about the latest advances in the science and art of radiological protection through our ( now virtual ) pages , including original papers , opinion articles and book reviews . Meanwhile , we can look back and reflect on the key issues that we have covered over the years – for example , childhood leukaemia , genomic instability , heritable genetic risks , protection of the environment , reactor accidents , impacts of exposure to non-ionising radiations , hot particles , reactor siting policy , radioimaging and the medical management of victims of radiation incidents and accidents . This material is all available on the journal website and can be freely accessed by SRP members by following the links to both JSRP and JRP from the SRP website . The online version of this article is supplemented by a list of some of the interesting articles that we have published . This compilation includes only a small fraction of the items that could have been selected and comprises only material published before the end of 2017 . For papers published since then , which include an increasing proportion on radiological protection in medicine , JRP ’ s annual editorial on the Bernard Wheatley Award is a good place to start , since it highlights papers that the Editorial Board has identified as particularly important or interesting .
SRP members have free access to Journal of Radiological Protection using their MySRP login . JRP is fully searchable on the entire archive .