Radiation Protection Today Spring 2024 Issue 6 | Page 31


HERCA : Heads of the European Radiological protection Competent Authorities
HERCA is a voluntary association of the Radiation Safety Authorities in Europe created in 2007 . It is independent of governments , and its members work together to identify and share common significant radiation protection issues and propose harmonisation and / or practical solutions towards developing a common approach . Its membership comprises 56 Authorities from 32 European countries ( including the 27 EU Member States ). The goal of HERCA is to contribute to a high level of radiation protection throughout Europe covering all sectors that work with radiation by building a network of chief radiation safety regulators in Europe . It also promotes the exchange of experience and learning of best practices between members .
The Board of HERCA , made up of senior leaders of member organisations , meets twice a year to direct the organisation , agree work programmes and define budgets . The UK is represented by ONR and HSE . The work of HERCA is supported by a secretariat , and much of the detailed work is conducted via working groups ( WGs ) covering areas of common interest such as Education and Training , Emergency Preparedness and Response , Medical Applications , Natural
Radiation Sources , Research and Industrial Sources and Practices , and Veterinary Applications . The UK is well represented on most WGs , with SRP members Gareth Thomas ( ONR ) and David Nicholson ( EA ) holding the positions respectively of Chair on the Emergency Arrangements and Industrial Sources WGs .
HERCA works with WENRA ( Western European Nuclear Regulators ' Association ) on emergency arrangements / protective measures that have transboundary associations . This is of particular interest to states without a civil nuclear industry that border states with nuclear energy programmes . Of key international importance is the development of the HERCA-WENRA Approach . The UK has also led the HERCA WG on Emergencies ( WGE ) Task Force that directly supports regulators in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries in a time of significant radiological uncertainty since the start of the war with Russia .
In the medical sector HERCA has issued a number of reports , most recently on Proton Therapy Licensing and Inspection and Clinical Audit in Medical Radiological Practices .
As membership of HERCA grows it is gaining an increasing position of international influence , with representatives attending ICRP , IAEA , EC EURATOM Experts Committee , and NEA relevant standards committees . Further information can be found on the HERCA website www . herca . org .
The HERCA Emergencies Working Group meeting in Slovenia where HERCA delegates visited the National Emergency Centre . Gareth Thomas ( ONR ) is pictured ninth from the right .
Radiation Protection Today Spring 2024 31