Radiation Protection Today Spring 2024 Issue 6 | Page 28

In 2012 , I started to work regularly in the USA , where 10CFR26 is the primary regulatory instrument . 10CFR26 has a similar framework to that which was then operating in Canada , although the Canadian system had since been changed into several sets of regulations . However , 10CFR26 was one set of fairly prescriptive regulations , implemented through a series of Regulatory Documents , which are in essence guidance explaining how to implement particular parts of the regulations . NUREG ( NUclear REGulatory ) documents and HPPOS ( Health Physics Position papers ) published by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission also provide further guidance on numerous topics .
The main differences in the USA are :
· the use of an annual dose limit of 50 mSv as opposed to 100 mSv over 5 years , and
· the definition of whole body dose as the dose at the highest point of the trunk of the body unless effective dose calculations , through the use of multiple dosemeters , are used .
Again , while radiation protection requirements were similar , the specific regulations drove differing standards . The commonly used radiation protection instrument in the US is the pancake Geiger probe , whereas this detector was primarily phased out in the UK in the 1990s in favour of more modern instruments . Current US clearance criteria still refer to use of the pancake Geiger probe .
The experience of working in different countries has been useful in my new role working for an international company , AtkinsRéalis . My part of the company performs major refurbishments of CANDU reactors in Canada and internationally in Argentina , Korea , China and Romania . Technical field staff , based in Canada , are deployed to all of these locations , working under the licence and regulatory systems of the country concerned . AtkinsRéalis operates a licensed nuclear site in Canada , where it performs decontamination , repair and manufacture of tooling used in these international projects . However , unlike in the
UK , there is no requirement in the Canadian regulatory system for employers to cooperate to maintain the radiation protection of workers . Each licensee is instead responsible for maintaining the radiation protection of individuals working under their licence , including contract staff . As such , employers such as AtkinsRéalis are not legally responsible for the radiation protection of their employees while working at another facility . This extends to the conduct of work in CANDU reactors in countries other than Canada whose regulatory systems are similar .
Nevertheless , as a responsible employer , AtkinsRéalis wants to ensure its workers are protected when they work at other licensees ’ sites . This is complex , because the radiation protection programmes of the various licensees differ , and in some cases there are differing regulatory standards and / or language barriers . The contractual relationship with clients adds additional complexity . AtkinsRéalis rises to the challenge by adopting an approach which builds in radiation protection by design and preparation . Tooling is designed to incorporate radiation protection , process sequences using the tooling consider radiation protection aspects , and mock-ups of tool use are built using replicas of the CANDU reactor face and system components . Workers and contractors are trained using the mock-ups , and detailed working procedures and ALARA plans are created to control how work is to be performed .
The largest challenge in practice is working in the client ' s premises , where reliance has to be placed on the client ' s instrumentation and radiation protection staff , and working cultural and language barriers come to the fore . These are challenges we are currently working through . We ensure there is appropriate oversight , supervision , auditing and inspection of the working conditions before and during the performance of work . We also ensure our staff are aware they can stop work whenever they are unsure , and that they can communicate regularly with home site staff whenever a query arises .
28 Radiation Protection Today www . srp-rpt . uk