Radiation Protection Today Spring 2024 Issue 6 | Page 24

Discharge ( Bq )
Dose rate ( μSv / h , μSv / y or μGy / h , μGy / y )
Contamination on beach or intertidal areas ( cps )
High Volume or Medium Volume Air Sampling
( Bq / m )
May involve flow measurement at the point of discharge along with sampling and analysis for radioactive substances
Passive dose rate monitor or spot measurements
Select detector to maximise ability to detect the potential contaminant
HVAS / MVAS to collect total particulate not specific size range
2 3
Deposition ( Bq / l , Bq / m , Bq / m )
Activity concentration in sources of drinking water for major populations ( e . g . taps , reservoirs , rivers , groundwater ) plus local water supplies ( well , runoff / rainwater , boreholes ) and sources for irrigation / cattle
3 drinking water . ( Bq / l , Bq / m )
Activity concentration in milk and milk products ( Bq / l )
Activity concentration in foodstuffs – e . g . meat , poultry , eggs , fruit , vegetables , cereal , wildlife / game , fish , crustaceans , molluscs ( Bq / kg )
Collect in a deposition collector ( e . g . rain gauge )
Determine appropriate sample container and preservatives , dependent upon radionuclide ( s ) to be sampled
Analysis of the raw edible fraction ( e . g . milk collected directly from the farm ) or via culinary preparation
From a product that would be consumed locally ( e . g . by an allotment gardener ) or be sold commercially . Culinary preparation may need to be taken into account
Activity concentrations in environmental media – e . g . soil , grass , landfill leachate , sewage / sludge , sediment , seaweed , sea water
( Bq / kg , Bq / l , Bq / m )
In addition to monitoring routine discharges , monitoring programmes should also include elements to indicate if there has been an accidental or unauthorised release . The monitoring programme must be agreed with the regulator . commenced the scope and results should be periodically reviewed , with adjustments made to the programme if required .
Guides to environmental radiological monitoring are available here :
Environmental radiological monitoring may be carried out by the operator , the regulator or a third party , and an operator ' s results may be subject to independent verification . Once the monitoring programme has
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24 Radiation Protection Today www . srp-rpt . uk