Radiation Protection Today Spring 2024 Issue 6 | Page 18

Effectively troubleshooting and preventing common detector faults requires a proactive approach that combines user training , routine maintenance , regular inspections and careful handling .
Some common faults are as follows :
Dropped detector The accidental dropping of the detector is a common issue that can lead to structural damage , misalignment or cracks . To prevent this , users should exercise caution during instrument handling . Implementing proper storage procedures and conducting regular equipment inspections are also essential preventative measures .
Broken GM tubes Gas proportional counters , or GM tubes , are integral components in gamma instruments . These tubes can be fragile and are susceptible to breakage , jeopardising instrument accuracy . Training personnel in proper instrument handling , implementing safeguards during use , and scheduling routine maintenance checks for the timely replacement of damaged tubes are crucial to addressing broken GM tube faults .
Pierced foil windows The foil windows of instruments are fragile , and damage compromises the light sensitivity integrity of the detector . To prevent such faults , it is essential to regularly inspect foil windows and check for light sensitivity by exposing connected probes to bright lights to check for enhanced lightinduced counts .
Instruments consist of multiple components such as sensors , connectors or electronic circuit boards , which may degrade over time . Regular maintenance and servicing are therefore key to ensuring instruments provide reliable and consistent data . When problems do occur , the services of specialist trained and skilled technicians may be required to identify the source of the issue and determine the appropriate repair procedure , such as the need to replace or repair failed or worn components .
Cables getting brittle in cold weather In cold weather , cables connected to radiation instruments can become brittle , affecting their flexibility and , consequently , the instrument ' s overall performance . To mitigate this issue , users should take precautions when operating in cold environments , such as using cable protectors or ensuring that instruments are properly insulated .
By understanding the importance of maintenance and promptly addressing repairs , organisations can maintain their equipment at optimal performance levels , enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness .
A batch of Mini Monitors that have just been repaired
18 Radiation Protection Today www . srp-rpt . uk