Your chance to win a whole year of SRP membership plus free attendance at an event of your choice .*
We know there are lots of people in technical grades who are not SRP members ; health physicists , monitors , surveyors , dosimetry technicians , environmental technicians , medical technicians in radiological roles etc . We really want to know why this is !
To find out , the SRP Champions Programme is running a short questionnaire for non-members .
Everyone completing it will be entered into this prize draw * excluding travel and subsistence costs
You can access the questionnaire using this QR code or by going to www . surveymonkey . co . uk / r / L52DDTW
The survey will take only a few minutes , so please do complete it if you are in a technical grade , or pass it on to colleagues .
SRP Champions are SRP ' s main contacts within their organisations . They promote the Society and provide important feedback to SRP ' s Trustees .
The Society for Radiological Protection is the UK ' s only professional society covering the entire field of radiation protection . Its objective is to promote the science and art of radiation protection and allied fields for the public benefit . Founded in 1963 , it was awarded a Royal Charter in 2007 and is the UK Associate Society affiliated to the International Radiation Protection Association .
Not yet a member ? Find out more at
www . srp-uk . org
Issue 4 – Winter 2022
Send us your suggestions for content RPToday @ srp-uk . org
Interested in advertising ? Email : sara . harrington @ srp-uk . org