SRP Honours
SRP Honours and the Role of SRP ' s Honours Nominations Advisory Committee ( HNAC )
SRP ' s Honours Nomination Advisory Committee ( HNAC ) has two key functions . Firstly to recommend to Council worthy recipients of SRP Honours ( Founders ' Medal , Honorary Fellowship and presenter of The Dunster Lecture at the Annual Conference ). Secondly , to recommend to SRP ’ s President individuals who should be nominated by SRP to receive a UK Public Honour e . g . OBE .
HNAC comprises five or six members of SRP who themselves have received Public Honours . They welcome your suggestions of SRP members you think should be considered for Society honours ( noting that Honorary Fellowships are occasionally given to non-members and The Dunster Lecturer need not necessarily be an SRP member ). The Committee needs information on your suggested nominee ' s achievements and what makes them stand out from the crowd . HNAC can then carefully evaluate the information provided and reach a consensus on nominees they should recommend to Council , backed by supporting evidence so Council can make the final decision .
Nominations are invited at the beginning of June each year via a notice in SRP Weekly , where reference is made to detailed guidance HNAC has prepared .
Additionally , every four years HNAC liaises with the Partner Societies via the Committee for Liaison with IRPA and the Partner Societies ( CLIPS ) to recommend to SRP Council a nominee for the IRPA Sievert Award .
Contact admin @ srp-uk . org if you would like to put someone forward for an SRP Honour .
For the benefit of the uninitiated , Twitter is a social media platform to let people share short ( max 280 character ) messages with their followers . You can also tweet photos and videos . To join Twitter you need to download the app onto your tablet or smart phone then set up an account and search for some accounts to follow . You will find accounts on many differing topics , but here are some of our radiation protection favourites :
@ SRP _ UK – The official SRP account , follow this to get all up to date information from SRP on events and news .
@ SRP _ Pressie – The account for SRP ' s President , currently run by Jim Thurston .
@ SRP _ RGG – The account for SRP ' s Rising Generation Group , our group for early career members .
Radiation Protection Today Summer 2022
@ IRPA – The official International Radiation Protection Association account . Find out what IRPA is doing to improve radiation protection by connecting people .
@ ICRP – Official account of the International Commission on Radiation Protection , which publishes the scientific reports on which RP legislation is based .
@ iaeaorg – Official account of the International Atomic Energy Agency , which promotes the safe and peaceful use of nuclear technology .
Hashtags (#), such as # SRP2021 for SRP ' s 2021 Annual Conference , allow trending of what is being tweeted , as well as being searchable , so you can see who else is tweeting about the same # and find more people to follow .