Radiation Protection Today - Spring 2022 | Page 23

An intuitive way of demonstrating the effectiveness of shielding and radiation doses to operators is through dose rate contours expected dose resulting from the project , either to the public or to operators ? This is the most essential step since it is where we show that a project can actually be carried out safely , but it requires input from all the previous stages . rays , X-rays , neutron radiation and beta particles . Results from these assessments are presented back to other design disciplines ( such as civil , mechanical and process engineering ) in various formats , such as coloured dose rate contour maps to show where dose rates through shielding will be the highest .

The final step of the Shielding Design Process is the Dose Uptake Assessment ; with the recommended shielding , what is the
Radiation Protection Today Summer 2022
Since shielding design is an iterative process , it is common to return to earlier stages based on the results of later ones , especially as a design progresses from the concept and preliminary design stages through to detailed design and commissioning . A dose uptake assessment might highlight a particular area or operation with relatively high dose uptake that can be re-designed with more shielding , or re-classified to prevent worker access , or perhaps where operations can be changed to reduce the time that an operator spends in a certain dose rate environment .
This all allows the project to present a final argument that doses to operators , and the public , have been reduced to within the agreed criteria and therefore are ALARP .