Radiation Protection Today Autumn 2024 Issue 7 | Page 36


Do you know anyone who ' d like to learn a bit more about radiation protection ? This cut-out sheet will help .
Acronyms for Radiation Protection Specialists
The radiation protection industry loves its acronyms , but what do they all mean ? Here is a very basic interpretation of some of the ones used to describe the role of those specialising in providing radiation protection advice :
RPA – Radiation Protection Adviser RWA – Radioactive Waste Adviser MPE – Medical Physics Expert LPA – Laser Protection Adviser
The four advisers are all legally required to hold a Certificate of Competence , awarded by an approved assessing body such as RPA 2000 . The Certificate demonstrates that the holder has an appropriate level of qualifications , training and experience to be able to advise under the relevant legislation .
Radiation Protection Adviser ( RPA ) Someone who advises on the application of The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 in the workplace , under Regulation 14 .
Radioactive Waste Adviser ( RWA ) A specialist in radioactive waste management and environmental radiation protection , appointed under The Environmental Permitting ( England and Wales ) Regulations 2016 ( as amended ) or The Environmental Authorisations ( Scotland ) Regulations 2018 . A permitted site may have more than one RWA , each specialising in different forms of waste .
Medical Physics Expert ( MPE ) A person appointed under Regulation 14 of The Ionising Radiation ( Medical Exposure ) Regulations 2017 and The Ionising Radiation ( Medical Exposure ) Regulations ( Northern Ireland ) 2018 to advise on medical exposures .
Their expertise is similar to that of the RPA , but the emphasis is on medical exposures .
Laser Protection Adviser ( LPA ) The role of the LPA is similar to that of the RPA , but advises on optical sources , e . g . lasers , LEDs and infra-red sources . It is good practice , but not mandatory , to consult an LPA where the most hazardous ( Class 3B and 4 ) lasers or Intense Pulsed Light ( IPL ) systems are operated . Some local authorities require private healthcare establishments to consult a certificated LPA . Independent medical organisations must appoint an LPA for the use of cosmetic lasers , IPL systems and LEDs , e . g . for hair or tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation , and dentists using lasers must appoint an LPA .
Other acronyms used in the industry
Radiation Protection Supervisor ( RPS ) A legal term under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 for someone appointed from the workforce , in a supervisory capacity , to ensure application of the employer ' s local rules . They do not need a certificate of competence but must be formally appointed and have received appropriate training .
Radiation Protection / Safety Officer ( RPO / RSO ) Terms adopted mainly in universities . They are usually a member of the local health and safety team and provide a link between the RPA and local management . They normally have appropriate training and are often working towards gaining an RPA certificate .
Laser Protection / Safety Officer ( LPO / LSO ) These are similar positions to RPO / RSO but specialise in optical radiation safety .
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36 Radiation Protection Today www . srp-rpt . uk