Radiation Protection Today Autumn 2024 Issue 7 | Page 32

Latest from Legs and Regs
The UK policy framework for managing radioactive substances and nuclear decommissioning was published in May 2024 by the UK Government and devolved administrations following a consultation conducted during spring 2023 . It provides a coherent UK-wide policy framework , the scope of which is very wide and includes :
• the justification of practices
• the UK ' s method of implementing a graded approach to radiological protection
• management of radioactive sources and orphan sources
• management of radioactive waste
• nuclear decommissioning
• import and export of radioactive substances
• nuclear materials
• spent nuclear fuel
An appendix outlines the UK Government ' s policy for working with communities to implement geological disposal . The policy framework replaces Command Paper 2919 from 1995 .
The Radiation ( Emergency Preparedness and Public Information ) Regulations 2019 Post Implementation Review was also published in May 2024 following feedback from stakeholders sought through a questionnaire in 2023 . The review report states that “ overall the regulations have achieved [ their ] policy objectives [ and the government ] recognises that small amendments to the regulations could help to reduce unintended consequences . The [ questionnaire ] responses also indicate that further clarification in the accompanying guidance would also be helpful .”
Scottish Government recently consulted on proposed amendments to The Environmental Authorisation ( Scotland ) Regulations 2018 ( EASR ). EASR made provision for a simplified , streamlined and standardised common framework for
environmental authorisations in Scotland but initially only included radioactive substances . The proposed amendments are to extend EASR to include waste , water and industrial activities , and to make some minor amendments for radioactive substances . SEPA concurrently held its own consultation on proposed types of authorisation for waste , water and industrial activities , to support regulation of these activities under EASR . At the time of writing , Scottish Government and SEPA are considering the responses to their consultations and will publish their conclusions and next steps in due course .
The Energy Act 2023 contains amendments to the Nuclear Installations Act that will , once in force , provide additional flexibility on the criteria that need to be met before all or part of a nuclear licenced site can be delicensed and the period of responsibility ended . The new criteria are based on international agreements under the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of nuclear energy . At the time of going to press , the legislative amendments that had been expected to come into force in June 2024 had been delayed . For further information please visit ONR ' s website .
SRP ' s New Patron
Lord McNicol addresses delegates at May ' s Annual Conference .
Lord McNicol of West Kilbride has succeeded Lord Carlile as SRP ' s Patron and we were delighted that he was able to attend this year ' s Annual Conference . SRP Council ensures that key issues affecting the profession are discussed with the Patron .
32 Radiation Protection Today www . srp-rpt . uk